
Kļūstam par FEFPEB biedriem
Pēc veiksmīgas sadarbības iepriekšējos gados, esam kļuvuši par Eiropas Koka palešu un iepakojumu ražotāju federācijas (FEFPEB) biedru!

Baltic Block ievieš DocuWare
Lai efektīvi pārvaldītu uzņēmumā arvien pieaugošo apstrādājamo elektronisko un papīra formāta dokumentu apjomu, esam ieviesuši digitālu dokumentu aprites sistēmu DocuWare.

Baltic Block kļūst par NWPCA biedru
Lepni kļūt par biedru lielākajai koka iepakošanas organizācijai pasaulē!

Baltic Block INTERPAL (2023)
Baltic Block vadošā komanda šogad piedalīses INTERPAL izstādē, kas ir paredzēta vispasaules koksnes iepakojuma industrijai. Tiekamies Kanādā!

Baltic Block SUDRABA kategorija Ilgtspējas indeksā
Progresējam katru gadu!

Ļoti nozīmīgs gads Baltic Block
Ir pagājuši 10 gadi kopš mēs tirgū pieteicām Baltic Block zīmolu!

Baltic Block LIGNA (2023)
LIGNA ir mūsu uzņēmuma tradīcija!

Ilgtspēja ir uzņēmēju vienīgais iespējamais attīstības virziens
Zaļā iniciatīva ir obligāta!

Lielais atlūgumu laiks! Fokusā: kokrūpniecības nozare
Kokrūpniecības nozare tiek uzskatīta par samērā teicamu aprites ekonomikas paraugu!

Pasaule mainās, un mēs maināmies līdz ar to
Eiropas Koka palešu un iepakojumu ražotāju federācijas (FEFPEB) kongress Itālijā!

Baltic Block aicina pieteikties Baltijas Ilgtspējas inovāciju balvai
Esam Baltijas Ilgtspējas inovāciju balvas partneris!

Īsumā par vasarā sasniegto
Sākoties rudenim, atskatāmies uz #BalticBlock komandas paveikto vasarā un tuvākajiem plāniem. Soli pa solim uz priekšu!

Baltic Block - viena no modernākajām kokskaidu palešu bloku ražotnēm Eiropā
Lepojamies ar izcilu bloku kvalitāti!

Baltic Block saņem bronzu Ilgtspējas indeksā
Esam ieguvuši bronzas kategoriju!

Tagad ir citas dzīves vērtības
Mūsu ražotnē plecu pie pleca strādā latvieši, poļi un tagad arī ukraiņi. Valoda nav šķērslis veiksmīgam darbam!

"Ko sēsi, to pļausi". Atkritumu šķirošana Baltic Block
"Ko sēsi, to pļausi" ir vadmotīvs, kas palīdz mums pieņemt lēmumus par atkritumu šķirošanu!

Baltic Block ceļā uz ilgtspēju
Šoreiz par to, kas zaļš transportā!

Baltic Block bezatlikumu ražošana
Rūpes par apkārtējo vidi ir Baltic Block inovatīvo kokskaidu palešu bloku ražošanas pamatā!

Mazākais no blokiem spēj izturēt 4,8t smagu svaru
Mazs cinītis gāž lielu vezumu!

Baltic Block iet soli uz priekšu bloku individuālās marķēšanas lauciņā
Tagad jums ir iespēja personalizēt palešu blokus gan ar sev tīkamu krāsu un izmēru, gan ar augstas kvalitātes, ilgtspējīgu un pielāgojamu tintes apdruku. Tas ir jauns standarts kokrūpniecības industrijā!

Baltic Block aizvadīts līdz šim veiksmīgākais darbības gads
Ar gandarījumu ziņojam, ka Baltic Block aizvadīts līdz šim veiksmīgākais darbības gads! Paldies katram mūsu darbiniekam Sauleskalnā un Rīgā, un katram mūsu klientam 30 + pasaules valstīs!

Baltic Block nodrošinās 10 darba vietas Ukrainas bēgļiem
Baltic Block savā komandā plāno uzņemt 10 Ukrainas iedzīvotājus, kuri šobrīd piedzīvo kara šausmas un ir spiesti doties bēgļu gaitās!

Baltic Block stands with Ukraine
Aicinām Jūs atbalstīt karā cietušos!

New project on pilot plant has been started
With the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERAF), the project of a Baltic Block pilot plant for introduction of new extruded products into production has been started!

With the support of ERAF, the project "Establishment of a Baltic Block pilot plant for...
On May 7, 2019, SIA Baltic Block signed contract no. with the Central Finance and Contracts Agency on the project "Establishment of a Baltic Block Pilot Factory for the Production of New Extruded Products". The aim of the project is to establish a plant that will produce extruded woodchip products for industrial pallets in Madona.

First half sales grows by 42.17%
In the first half of this year "Baltic Block" has sold 70366m3 of finished products, which is 42.17% more than in the respective period of 2018. Andis Šķēle, the Director of company, points out that despite good sales results, the first half of the year has not been as successful as year before.

Pallet block manufacturer Baltic Block continues the modernisation of its factory
Having received support from the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA) and co-financing from Citadele bank, the woodchip pallet block manufacturer Baltic Block has purchased and started operating three modern chip processing machines within the framework of the energy efficiency project of the Climate Change Financial Instrument (CCFI).

Baltic Block awarded with ISO 50001:2011 certificate
On August 2016 Baltic Block received ISO 50001:2011 certificate which proves company’s compliance with Standard for Energy Management Systems.

Baltic Block included in the TOP 25 best exporting brands from Latvia
Baltic Block was one of the 25 Latvian companies titled ‘’The Red Jackets’’, on this year’s best exporting brand evaluation, organized by the export support movement ‘’The Red Jackets’’.

President of the Republic of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis and the First Lady visits Baltic Block
On 1st September 2015, the recently elected President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis visited Baltic Block and was guided throught the whole production process.

President of the Republic of Latvia Andris Berzins visits Baltic Block
During his visit to Madona municipality, the president of Latvia was introduced to Baltic Block production facilities.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia Laimdota Straujuma visits Baltic Block
The Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma visited the Baltic Block production facilities and was introduced to the innovative plant operations.

Baltic Block receives the “Green belt” certificate
The “Green belt” certificate is awarded to companies that take care of packaging waste collection, sorting and recycling of secondary raw materials.

Head of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Latvia visits Madona county
The head of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea Mr. Seong-Jin Han met with representatives of the “Baltic Block” during a regional visit to Madona. During his visit, the ambassador had a tour through the company’s production plant, saw manufacturing process and heard future development plans.

Baltic Block: In order to retain workers in regions, they must make the same money as in Riga
In order to motivate workers to stay in their regions, thus also guaranteeing income to the budget of local governments and improving the overall living conditions of locals, employers must be willing to offer wages and social guarantees equivalent to those in Riga.

By manufacturing a seemingly simple but high-quality product from raw materials available in Latvia, we are developing and building Latvia's reputation as an export country in foreign markets. Andis Šķēle, Director of Baltic Block, reveals the company's ambitions.

Investments worth 3.5
Having received co-financing from "Citadele" bank, the Latvian manufacturer of pressed woodchip pallet blocks "Baltic Block" has invested 3.5 million euros in new production technologies and production facilities. The company has also revealed its plans for expanding exports to the USA, United Arab Emirates, Costa Rica, Saudi Arabia and South Korea.